I have this book called 10 Songs that Changed the World, and I’m pretty sure Amazing Grace is in it. If not, it should be- especially when sung by the Soweto Gospel Choir.

I have this book called 10 Songs that Changed the World, and I’m pretty sure Amazing Grace is in it. If not, it should be- especially when sung by the Soweto Gospel Choir.
I remember buying Forever Blue from a second hand CD store in Hurstville in my late teens and loving it so much. It was just like KD Lang’s Ingenue in some ways – really soulful, with not a single less than perfect track. Anyway we were really happy we went to see Chris Isaak at Kings Park. He sounded even better live than the already perfect CD, plus he was quite funny and down to earth too. Really loved the Elvis and Roy Orbison covers.
Steve Kilbey from The Church, supported by Mark Gable from The Choir Boys. There was an impromptu from Ronnie Burns, who was watching from the crowd and came down to belt out his old hit “Smiley”. Plus Richard Ploog... 🙂